Wednesday 5 October 2016

Research - Music Video Analysis 7 - Heart and Soul by Twin Atlantic

The Editing Techniques used in this music video are...
-Using a green screen background to allow various different back drops during the video, for example...
  • falling roses
  • various virtual versions of the same band members playing behind the actual bands
-There is some shots that have been edited to show singular body parts alone, e.g. the head singing, the foot on the pedal.

-Making the screen appear as though it is moving sideways to look like a constant stream of action
-Enlarging and shrinking images and shots

How this research has influenced my planning
This is a well edited but over the top music video, we could use some inspiration from this video but not a lot as it is too different to what we are trying to achieve, this being said the editing does look really effective and it is such a modern and inventive music video and it does really work with this song and the bands image.

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