Tuesday 13 September 2016

Planning - Group Post on Our Actors

'The actor's I think we will be using for the music video are from a local theatre company known as  duck egg theatre company, duck egg theatre company is ran by Hayley Murallie and is both amateur and professional with options to do regular show's and once in a while show's that are professional and that you get paid for being in. The quality of the show's are good meaning that the actor's in our video are used to performing to a high standard and are good at performing  meaning there would be no issues with the performance itself. '

Joe did a post on possible actors we could use, Katie Bartlett and Luke Wakeman. I think it'll be really helpful to be able to have access to people that have stage experience that will be comfortable in front of a camera, I also have a few friends who genuinely listen to indie music and have clothes and styles that are stereotypically indie that would be more than happy to help out, so we have plenty of people to be our actors and even backing cast, we have agreed that we are going to repay them by bringing and ordering pizzas and takeaways in instead of paying them money.

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