Tuesday 15 November 2016

Planning - Self Assessing Shots and Camera Movement

Today we looked over the first rough cut of our music video, we compared all the shots that we had to the list of conventional music video shots. We found that we had four of Goodwin's conventional singing into camera shots and they are spread out through different points in our video, however on our reshoot we are going to shoot some more singing into camera shots in case we want to add in some more to adhere to convention. We have quite a few shots that cut on the beat of the song, but we are working on editing so as many shots as possible cut on the beat. The shots that we have that are included on the conventional shot list are... Close ups, extreme close ups, natural framing, continuity editing, panning, left of frame shot, right of frame shot. We need to add a tracking shot, a match cut and maybe even another extreme close up.

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